Genuinely Pleased… just very Tardy

It really is shameful!  I’ve been a complete fail at keeping up with things this summer, and, while slacking off, people have been leaving me presents!

While I initially wrote this as one big blog post, I decided to split things up.  I’ve learned a few things since starting off, and one of those things is, “if your post is on more than one topic, and it goes over 1000 words, SPLIT IT UP”… now that’s progress! 

This post, though, is about the Genuine Blogger Award that Jodi, who writes about life with Sampson and Delilah, was kind enough to bestow upon me.  The Genuine Blogger Awards’ purpose is to say, “hey, I like your style”, and was created by Just Ramblin with no strings attached.  It is, in my opinion, a great way to pass on a warm and fuzzy feeling to someone you appreciate.  I certainly got that ‘wrapped in a big angora blanket by the fire with a mug of hot cocoa in hand’ feeling upon receiving it!

The award doesn’t require passing on, but I want to, and that’s the nice thing about it – if you want to, do so!

I’m passing the Genuine Blogger Award on to:

Success Just Clicks – Tena has lots of tips and tricks for training dogs, as well as fun stories about all the activities she does with them.  If Gwynn ends up half as well trained as her dogs, I’ll rest happy.

The Idiot Speaketh – You probably shouldn’t believe most of what he writes, but you might as well enjoy the ride. His hijinks are hilarious!

Author: GoneforaWalk

I work... walk the dog... do yoga... read... sleep... and attempt to write interesting things on occasion (but not today)

5 thoughts on “Genuinely Pleased… just very Tardy”

  1. Thanks so much for the kind award! 🙂 Now……why in the world would you not believe EVERYTHING that I write? My little blog is heatfelt, touching, poignant, tear-jerking, thoughtful, and 100% truth…… honest……… Would I lie? 🙂

    1. 😀 No comment.
      I can’t comment right now, I’m trying to catch my breath from the hysteric bout of laughter that your comment caused. It certainly caused tears… though of mirth, rather than the poingant variety 😛

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